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SELECT (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT StandardColor,',',SKU,',',SUBSTRING(large,35),',',CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTRING(ColorDescription, 1, 1)),LCASE(SUBSTRING(ColorDescription, 2))) SEPARATOR '|') FROM tbl_products WHERE tbl_products.RootModelNumber = p.RootModelNumber) AS AvailableColors, p.mhDescription, p.mhSlug, p.cgDescription, p.cgSlug, p.CatDescription, p.cSlug, IF(p.thumb LIKE 'http%%',p.thumb,concat( 'https://www.shopwesco.com/uploads/products/', p.thumb )) AS thumbImage, IF(p.large LIKE 'http%%',p.large, concat( 'https://www.shopwesco.com/uploads/products/', p.large )) AS largeImage, p.SKU, p.ModelStatus, p.ModelDescription, p.pkID, p.pkSKU, p.pkCategory, p.id, IF(p.CommonBrandName = 'LG Appliances','LG',p.CommonBrandName) AS RevisedBrandName, p.CommonBrandName, p.KeyFeature1, p.KeyFeature2, p.KeyFeature3, p.KeyFeature4, p.KeyFeature5, bd.CommonBrandID, IF(p.StandardColor = 'Other',CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTRING(p.ColorDescription, 1, 1)),LCASE(SUBSTRING(p.ColorDescription, 2))),p.StandardColor) AS ModelColor, mp.MSRP, mp.Sale, mp.Available, mp.Featured, IF((mp.Sale = 0), mp.MSRP, IF( (mp.MSRP = 0), mp.Sale, IF((mp.Sale > mp.MSRP), mp.MSRP, mp.Sale))) AS Price, IF(mp.MSRP > 0 AND mp.MSRP > mp.Sale, mp.MSRP, '0.00') AS RegPrice, mp.OutletPrice, mp.quick_ship, if(bd.cart_price_message = '' OR bd.cart_price_message IS NULL,'See price in cart', cart_price_message) AS cart_message, (mp.MSRP - mp.Sale) AS Discount, IF(bd.MAP = 1 OR p.is_package = 1, 1, .90) AS MapDiscount, mp.in_stock, mp.free_shipping, p.Sale AS MinTargetPrice, p.RootModelNumber, mp.FreeShip, mp.specials, mp.closeout, bd.UMRP, (SELECT COUNT(pbm.pkID) FROM PromotionsByModel AS pbm INNER JOIN Rebates ON (Rebates.PromotionName = pbm.PromotionName AND Rebates.FileName <> '') WHERE pbm.pkProduct = p.pkID AND pbm.EffectiveDate <= CURDATE() AND pbm.ExpirationDate > CURDATE() GROUP BY pbm.pkProduct) AS rwsPromotion, p.ExpandedDescription, p.specifications, (SELECT COUNT(rbm.pkID) FROM rebatesbymodel AS rbm INNER JOIN Rebates AS r ON r.pkID = rbm.pkRebates WHERE rbm.pkProduct = p.pkID AND r.ExpirationDate > NOW() AND r.EffectiveDate < NOW() GROUP BY rbm.PromotionName) AS rwsRebates, (p.Sale * (IF(bd.MAP = 1 OR p.is_package = 1, 1,.90))) AS MAP, mh.super_category, IF(bd.no_cart =1 OR mp.on_line = 0,1,0) AS no_cart, mp.in_store, IF((mp.Sale = 0), mp.MSRP, IF ((mp.MSRP = 0 ), mp.Sale, IF((mp.Sale > mp.MSRP), mp.MSRP, mp.Sale))) AS calcPrice, c.ConsumerDescription AS cDescription FROM tbl_products AS p INNER JOIN Brand_Data AS bd ON (p.pkBrand = bd.pkID) INNER JOIN ModelPrice AS mp ON (mp.pkProduct = p.pkID AND mp.SKU = p.SKU AND mp.Available = 1) INNER JOIN menu_heading AS mh ON (mh.slug = p.mhSlug) INNER JOIN Categories AS c ON (p.cSlug = c.slug) WHERE p.mhSlug = 'living-room-furniture' AND p.cgSlug = 'sofas' AND p.cSlug = 'sofas' AND p.SKU = 'u44754' LIMIT 1

La-Z-Boy Talladega Power Reclining Sofa w/ Headrest

Model# U44754

La-Z-BoyTalladega Power Reclining Sofa W&#x2f; Headrest
Talladega Power Reclining Sofa w/ Headrest

La-Z-Boy Talladega Power Reclining Sofa w/ Headrest

Model# U44754

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When it comes to comfort, Talladega puts everyone in the driver s seat. Both left and right arm seats recline at the touch of a button as powered backs and chaise legrests provide individualized comfort. Independently adjust the power-tilt headrest for customized support of your head, and neck, and keep your favorite devices charged up with dual-sided USB ports. Our Go Cordless battery pack upgrade lets you enjoy Talladega s power features without an electrical outlet. Sculpted seats, sleek padded arms and exposed wings give Talladega a modern edge, while racing stripe topstitching on the seatbacks add detail.

Overall Dimensions (in.) 85.5W x 39D x 42H
Arm Height 26 in.
Fully Reclined Dimension 66 in.
Weight 215 lb.
Body Width 85.5 in.
Body Depth 39 in.
Body Height 42 in.
Seat Width 67.5 in.
Seat Depth 22 in.
Seat Height 21 in.
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