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SELECT (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT StandardColor,',',SKU,',',SUBSTRING(large,35),',',CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTRING(ColorDescription, 1, 1)),LCASE(SUBSTRING(ColorDescription, 2))) SEPARATOR '|') FROM tbl_products WHERE tbl_products.RootModelNumber = p.RootModelNumber) AS AvailableColors, p.mhDescription, p.mhSlug, p.cgDescription, p.cgSlug, p.CatDescription, p.cSlug, IF(p.thumb LIKE 'http%%',p.thumb,concat( 'https://www.shopwesco.com/uploads/products/', p.thumb )) AS thumbImage, IF(p.large LIKE 'http%%',p.large, concat( 'https://www.shopwesco.com/uploads/products/', p.large )) AS largeImage, p.SKU, p.ModelStatus, p.ModelDescription, p.pkID, p.pkSKU, p.pkCategory, p.id, IF(p.CommonBrandName = 'LG Appliances','LG',p.CommonBrandName) AS RevisedBrandName, p.CommonBrandName, p.KeyFeature1, p.KeyFeature2, p.KeyFeature3, p.KeyFeature4, p.KeyFeature5, bd.CommonBrandID, IF(p.StandardColor = 'Other',CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTRING(p.ColorDescription, 1, 1)),LCASE(SUBSTRING(p.ColorDescription, 2))),p.StandardColor) AS ModelColor, mp.MSRP, mp.Sale, mp.Available, mp.Featured, IF((mp.Sale = 0), mp.MSRP, IF( (mp.MSRP = 0), mp.Sale, IF((mp.Sale > mp.MSRP), mp.MSRP, mp.Sale))) AS Price, IF(mp.MSRP > 0 AND mp.MSRP > mp.Sale, mp.MSRP, '0.00') AS RegPrice, mp.OutletPrice, mp.quick_ship, if(bd.cart_price_message = '' OR bd.cart_price_message IS NULL,'See price in cart', cart_price_message) AS cart_message, (mp.MSRP - mp.Sale) AS Discount, IF(bd.MAP = 1 OR p.is_package = 1, 1, .90) AS MapDiscount, mp.in_stock, mp.free_shipping, p.Sale AS MinTargetPrice, p.RootModelNumber, mp.FreeShip, mp.specials, mp.closeout, bd.UMRP, (SELECT COUNT(pbm.pkID) FROM PromotionsByModel AS pbm INNER JOIN Rebates ON (Rebates.PromotionName = pbm.PromotionName AND Rebates.FileName <> '') WHERE pbm.pkProduct = p.pkID AND pbm.EffectiveDate <= CURDATE() AND pbm.ExpirationDate > CURDATE() GROUP BY pbm.pkProduct) AS rwsPromotion, p.ExpandedDescription, p.specifications, (SELECT COUNT(rbm.pkID) FROM rebatesbymodel AS rbm INNER JOIN Rebates AS r ON r.pkID = rbm.pkRebates WHERE rbm.pkProduct = p.pkID AND r.ExpirationDate > NOW() AND r.EffectiveDate < NOW() GROUP BY rbm.PromotionName) AS rwsRebates, (p.Sale * (IF(bd.MAP = 1 OR p.is_package = 1, 1,.90))) AS MAP, mh.super_category, IF(bd.no_cart =1 OR mp.on_line = 0,1,0) AS no_cart, mp.in_store, IF((mp.Sale = 0), mp.MSRP, IF ((mp.MSRP = 0 ), mp.Sale, IF((mp.Sale > mp.MSRP), mp.MSRP, mp.Sale))) AS calcPrice, c.ConsumerDescription AS cDescription FROM tbl_products AS p INNER JOIN Brand_Data AS bd ON (p.pkBrand = bd.pkID) INNER JOIN ModelPrice AS mp ON (mp.pkProduct = p.pkID AND mp.SKU = p.SKU AND mp.Available = 1) INNER JOIN menu_heading AS mh ON (mh.slug = p.mhSlug) INNER JOIN Categories AS c ON (p.cSlug = c.slug) WHERE p.mhSlug = 'living-room-furniture' AND p.cgSlug = 'living-room-groups' AND p.cSlug = 'living-room-groupsets' AND p.SKU = '297oto3pcs' LIMIT 1

Liberty Furniture Industries Opt 3 Piece Set

Model# 297OTO3PCS

Liberty Furniture IndustriesOpt 3 Piece Set
Opt 3 Piece Set

Liberty Furniture Industries Opt 3 Piece Set

Model# 297OTO3PCS

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Living Room Groupsets
Create an unforgettable setting of casual elegance with the Paradise Valley optional three piece set. Crafted with Rubberwood solids and Split Heart White Oak veneers, this set features a Saddle Brown finish and includes the lift-top cocktail table and two rectangular end tables. The cocktail and end tables each have one full extension drawer with wood framed drawer fronts that are accented with Antique Pewter knob hardware. The tabletops showcase a bread board veneer pattern. The cocktail tables top lifts to reveal hidden storage. Chamfered legs flow to the open bottom shelf for additional storage and display items. The cocktail table features casters for easy mobility. The Paradise Valley optional three piece set captures grand opulence with comfortable rustic styling.

Dimensions: W0 x D0 x H0
Weight: 272 lbs.

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