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SELECT (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT StandardColor,',',SKU,',',SUBSTRING(large,35),',',CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTRING(ColorDescription, 1, 1)),LCASE(SUBSTRING(ColorDescription, 2))) SEPARATOR '|') FROM tbl_products WHERE tbl_products.RootModelNumber = p.RootModelNumber) AS AvailableColors, p.mhDescription, p.mhSlug, p.cgDescription, p.cgSlug, p.CatDescription, p.cSlug, IF(p.thumb LIKE 'http%%',p.thumb,concat( 'https://www.shopwesco.com/uploads/products/', p.thumb )) AS thumbImage, IF(p.large LIKE 'http%%',p.large, concat( 'https://www.shopwesco.com/uploads/products/', p.large )) AS largeImage, p.SKU, p.ModelStatus, p.ModelDescription, p.pkID, p.pkSKU, p.pkCategory, p.id, IF(p.CommonBrandName = 'LG Appliances','LG',p.CommonBrandName) AS RevisedBrandName, p.CommonBrandName, p.KeyFeature1, p.KeyFeature2, p.KeyFeature3, p.KeyFeature4, p.KeyFeature5, bd.CommonBrandID, IF(p.StandardColor = 'Other',CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTRING(p.ColorDescription, 1, 1)),LCASE(SUBSTRING(p.ColorDescription, 2))),p.StandardColor) AS ModelColor, mp.MSRP, mp.Sale, mp.Available, mp.Featured, IF((mp.Sale = 0), mp.MSRP, IF( (mp.MSRP = 0), mp.Sale, IF((mp.Sale > mp.MSRP), mp.MSRP, mp.Sale))) AS Price, IF(mp.MSRP > 0 AND mp.MSRP > mp.Sale, mp.MSRP, '0.00') AS RegPrice, mp.OutletPrice, mp.quick_ship, if(bd.cart_price_message = '' OR bd.cart_price_message IS NULL,'See price in cart', cart_price_message) AS cart_message, (mp.MSRP - mp.Sale) AS Discount, IF(bd.MAP = 1 OR p.is_package = 1, 1, .90) AS MapDiscount, mp.in_stock, mp.free_shipping, p.Sale AS MinTargetPrice, p.RootModelNumber, mp.FreeShip, mp.specials, mp.closeout, bd.UMRP, (SELECT COUNT(pbm.pkID) FROM PromotionsByModel AS pbm INNER JOIN Rebates ON (Rebates.PromotionName = pbm.PromotionName AND Rebates.FileName <> '') WHERE pbm.pkProduct = p.pkID AND pbm.EffectiveDate <= CURDATE() AND pbm.ExpirationDate > CURDATE() GROUP BY pbm.pkProduct) AS rwsPromotion, p.ExpandedDescription, p.specifications, (SELECT COUNT(rbm.pkID) FROM rebatesbymodel AS rbm INNER JOIN Rebates AS r ON r.pkID = rbm.pkRebates WHERE rbm.pkProduct = p.pkID AND r.ExpirationDate > NOW() AND r.EffectiveDate < NOW() GROUP BY rbm.PromotionName) AS rwsRebates, (p.Sale * (IF(bd.MAP = 1 OR p.is_package = 1, 1,.90))) AS MAP, mh.super_category, IF(bd.no_cart =1 OR mp.on_line = 0,1,0) AS no_cart, mp.in_store, IF((mp.Sale = 0), mp.MSRP, IF ((mp.MSRP = 0 ), mp.Sale, IF((mp.Sale > mp.MSRP), mp.MSRP, mp.Sale))) AS calcPrice, c.ConsumerDescription AS cDescription FROM tbl_products AS p INNER JOIN Brand_Data AS bd ON (p.pkBrand = bd.pkID) INNER JOIN ModelPrice AS mp ON (mp.pkProduct = p.pkID AND mp.SKU = p.SKU AND mp.Available = 1) INNER JOIN menu_heading AS mh ON (mh.slug = p.mhSlug) INNER JOIN Categories AS c ON (p.cSlug = c.slug) WHERE p.mhSlug = 'living-room-furniture' AND p.cgSlug = 'living-room-groups' AND p.cSlug = 'living-room-groupsets' AND p.SKU = '244not3pcs' LIMIT 1

Liberty Furniture Industries 3 Piece Set

Model# 244NOT3PCS

Liberty Furniture Industries3 Piece Set
3 Piece Set

Liberty Furniture Industries 3 Piece Set

Model# 244NOT3PCS

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Living Room Groupsets
Elevate your living space with the Magnolia Manor 3 piece set. Meticulously crafted using Poplar solids with Quartered and Split Heart White Oak veneers, this set features a Weathered Bisque finish and includes the round cocktail table and 2 end tables. The cocktail table's crowning glory is its cloverleaf-shaped top, a distinctive design that adds a touch of whimsy and sophistication to any room. The fancy face veneer on each table top exudes timeless beauty, while the canted corners bring a subtle architectural flair. The canted corners not only contribute to the tables visual appeal but also bring an architectural flair that set them apart. The interior storage drawer on each table are framed with delicate bead molding and offer a refined solution for keeping essentials within reach yet neatly tucked away. The round turned fluted legs gracefully flow to the open bottom shelf that is perfect for extra storage or display items. With the included casters on the cocktail table, you can easily adapt your space to changing needs or preferences. Glide the table with ease for a dynamic rearrangement or a quick refresh, embracing both convenience and style in one versatile piece. Immerse yourself in the seamless blend of design and practicality with the Magnolia Manor 3 piece set.

Dimensions: W0 x D0 x H0
Weight: 193 lbs.

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