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SELECT (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT StandardColor,',',SKU,',',SUBSTRING(large,35),',',CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTRING(ColorDescription, 1, 1)),LCASE(SUBSTRING(ColorDescription, 2))) SEPARATOR '|') FROM tbl_products WHERE tbl_products.RootModelNumber = p.RootModelNumber) AS AvailableColors, p.mhDescription, p.mhSlug, p.cgDescription, p.cgSlug, p.CatDescription, p.cSlug, IF(p.thumb LIKE 'http%%',p.thumb,concat( 'https://www.shopwesco.com/uploads/products/', p.thumb )) AS thumbImage, IF(p.large LIKE 'http%%',p.large, concat( 'https://www.shopwesco.com/uploads/products/', p.large )) AS largeImage, p.SKU, p.ModelStatus, p.ModelDescription, p.pkID, p.pkSKU, p.pkCategory, p.id, IF(p.CommonBrandName = 'LG Appliances','LG',p.CommonBrandName) AS RevisedBrandName, p.CommonBrandName, p.KeyFeature1, p.KeyFeature2, p.KeyFeature3, p.KeyFeature4, p.KeyFeature5, bd.CommonBrandID, IF(p.StandardColor = 'Other',CONCAT(UCASE(SUBSTRING(p.ColorDescription, 1, 1)),LCASE(SUBSTRING(p.ColorDescription, 2))),p.StandardColor) AS ModelColor, mp.MSRP, mp.Sale, mp.Available, mp.Featured, IF((mp.Sale = 0), mp.MSRP, IF( (mp.MSRP = 0), mp.Sale, IF((mp.Sale > mp.MSRP), mp.MSRP, mp.Sale))) AS Price, IF(mp.MSRP > 0 AND mp.MSRP > mp.Sale, mp.MSRP, '0.00') AS RegPrice, mp.OutletPrice, mp.quick_ship, if(bd.cart_price_message = '' OR bd.cart_price_message IS NULL,'See price in cart', cart_price_message) AS cart_message, (mp.MSRP - mp.Sale) AS Discount, IF(bd.MAP = 1 OR p.is_package = 1, 1, .90) AS MapDiscount, mp.in_stock, mp.free_shipping, p.Sale AS MinTargetPrice, p.RootModelNumber, mp.FreeShip, mp.specials, mp.closeout, bd.UMRP, (SELECT COUNT(pbm.pkID) FROM PromotionsByModel AS pbm INNER JOIN Rebates ON (Rebates.PromotionName = pbm.PromotionName AND Rebates.FileName <> '') WHERE pbm.pkProduct = p.pkID AND pbm.EffectiveDate <= CURDATE() AND pbm.ExpirationDate > CURDATE() GROUP BY pbm.pkProduct) AS rwsPromotion, p.ExpandedDescription, p.specifications, (SELECT COUNT(rbm.pkID) FROM rebatesbymodel AS rbm INNER JOIN Rebates AS r ON r.pkID = rbm.pkRebates WHERE rbm.pkProduct = p.pkID AND r.ExpirationDate > NOW() AND r.EffectiveDate < NOW() GROUP BY rbm.PromotionName) AS rwsRebates, (p.Sale * (IF(bd.MAP = 1 OR p.is_package = 1, 1,.90))) AS MAP, mh.super_category, IF(bd.no_cart =1 OR mp.on_line = 0,1,0) AS no_cart, mp.in_store, IF((mp.Sale = 0), mp.MSRP, IF ((mp.MSRP = 0 ), mp.Sale, IF((mp.Sale > mp.MSRP), mp.MSRP, mp.Sale))) AS calcPrice, c.ConsumerDescription AS cDescription FROM tbl_products AS p INNER JOIN Brand_Data AS bd ON (p.pkBrand = bd.pkID) INNER JOIN ModelPrice AS mp ON (mp.pkProduct = p.pkID AND mp.SKU = p.SKU AND mp.Available = 1) INNER JOIN menu_heading AS mh ON (mh.slug = p.mhSlug) INNER JOIN Categories AS c ON (p.cSlug = c.slug) WHERE p.mhSlug = 'living-room-furniture' AND p.cgSlug = 'chairs' AND p.cSlug = 'chairs' AND p.SKU = '1058e' LIMIT 1

Best Home Furnishings SWIVEL CHAIR - Espresso - Fabric - Mattay

Model# 1058E

Best Home FurnishingsSwivel Chair - Espresso - Fabric - Mattay
SWIVEL CHAIR - Espresso - Fabric - Mattay

Best Home Furnishings SWIVEL CHAIR - Espresso - Fabric - Mattay

Model# 1058E

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Relax and take a spin in this vintage mid-century classic chair. Modern swivel action and deep seating provides a feeling of adolescent sophistication making the Mattay swivel chair a perfect choice for any room of your home. The hidden swivel plate allows the chair to swivel 360-degrees, which are mounted on angled legs and are available in your choice of Dark Walnut, Espresso and Riverloom finishes. This chair is built especially for you. Choose from over 700 fabrics, which can range from traditional to contemporary/modern patterns.

Height 37.0
Width 27.0
Depth 30.0
Arm Width 20.0
Arm Height 26.0
Cushion Depth 20.5

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